Entry #5: Is Design Dead?

Is Design Dead? is an article written by Martin Fowler in 2004, where he describes the styles of how design is done in Software Development and how Extreme Programming (XP) challenges many of the common assumptions about it.  

One of the designs mentioned is Evolutionary Design, this design explains that the design of a system grows as the system is implemented. However, many detractors say that this design style means a return to the "Code and Fix" Development. On the other hand, fans of this design style see it as a rejection of design techniques such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML), principles and patterns.

Currently, the Software Industry is one of the industries where innovation makes a lot of changes, so the way to design software is no exception to changes. Extreme Programming (XP) has the notion of Evolutionary Design with practices that allow evolution to become a viable design strategy. It also provides new challenges and skills to learn how to do a simple design, how to use refactoring to keep a design clean, and how to use patterns in an evolutionary style.

Answering to the question of the title's article: Is Design Dead? No, Design is not dead, everybody needs to design the things that they want to develop like this helps them to have a guide and understanding of what they are creating. Some people misunderstand how Extreme Programming works, because they think that it is just code whatever you think is right. But Extreme Programming requires design too as it uses diagrams and patterns to keep the code simple as possible.

In the previous decades, a fixed design approach was necessary to develop quality software, but in recent years, the industry needs faster methods to develop software, and Extreme Programming is a good option for this need.

Article: Fowler, M. (2004). Is Design Dead?. Recovered from https://martinfowler.com/articles/designDead.html


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